

The National Junior Honor Society represents character, scholarship leadership, citizenship, and service.  Membership in the NJHS is the highest honor given to intermediate school students.  To apply in the spring, seventh graders must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 and no N’s or U’s in Citizenship or Work Habits.

Click below for additional information:


Hours Sheet

Washington DC Trip 

Travel to DC with McGarvin!

Every year during spring break, 8th-grade McGarvin students have the opportunity to visit our nation’s capital, Washington DC, to see history come to life.  This is an experience you won’t want to miss!  Students will visit museums and historical landmarks, explore Williamsburg, Philadelphia, and Charlottesville, and make lots of new friends too!  The trip is organized by World Strides, a premier leader in student travel.  If you are interested in participating in the trip, please contact school office.